Tuesday, October 22, 2013

New task '' Fashion and clothes ''


V-Neck : Neck on a garment that comes down to a point on the throat or chest, resembling the shape of the letter ''V''.

Leather ( jacket ) : obviously, a normal jacket made of cow or bull's leather, very expensive.

Baggy : Hanging loosely; puffed out.

Flowery ( can be any tipe of clothe ) : A flowery clothe, again obviously, is a clothe - flower design, like pants with flowers, jackets, shirts or even shoes and sandals.

Round neck : Neck on a garment with semi-circle neck, if you look over the shirt you can see the complete circle.

Sources: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/ and me.


1.-With V-Neck : The other day, me and my friend Martin went to the mall to buy clothes for a special party, we two choose a V-Neck shirt for a discount in Zara.

2.- With Leather ( jacket ) : Last night i saw my uncle with her new Leather jacket, going to an X place in centre of London.

3.- With Baggy : Most of the rapers in streets use Baggy pants, but maybe they don't know that baggy pants are from the jail, to identify the gay ones. That's a new lesson to you, raper.

4.- With Flowery Clothes : Amanda want to buy a new dress, but she can't decide between a Red dress, or the Rainbow Flowery Dress. Finally Amanda went back to her home, but with her new Rainbow Flowery Dress.

5.- With the Round Neck : After that day at the mall with Martin, before the party we decide to not to be with the same shirt, so he keep her V- Neck, and i change my shirt to a Round Neck shirt.

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